It’s Your Life Choose How To Live It

We are Your Guide to Fast, Discreet Abortion Care.
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Empowering You to Make Your Decision

We're not your traditional abortion provider. Our goal is to help guide you through your decision and post-abortion process. 

How can we help you beyond your abortion?

Follow up mental health care with counselors
24-hour abortion help and support line
Empowerment check-in emails
Conceptraceptive Resources
Find Out More

Complete our short intake process and consult with a licensed physician

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The Clock 
is Ticking...

The abortion pill, aka medication abortion, is effective at 11 weeks or less.

Use our pregnancy calculator to determine how far along you are and your last ovulation date.

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Order Online With Peace of Mind

• FDA-approved safe medication
• Privacy protection
• Discreet packaging
• Post-abortion mental health support

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Your Alternative
to Surgical Abortion

Costs less than a surgical abortion
A more natural process
Minimally invasive
Medication arrives at your doorstep
Private and convenient

Our Simple 3-Step Process

Complete our short intake process for your medication abortion pills
Make payment with
or PayLater with
Receive your pills in the mail
with instructions
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Transforming Abortion Care

Removing the desensitization in treatment

Life Cycle for Women is an empowerment organization started by women.
We focus on providing abortion care that is culturally centered and sensitive.

We believe in:

Guiding you through your decision
Access to 24-hour emotional support
Elaborate information on abortion care
Resources beyond treatment

24/7 Abortion Chat Support Line
Reach us at 855-622-9663

Virtual Abortion Care
You Can Trust

Get the post-abortion care you need.

We offer post-abortion mental health care from professionals.

Our online (tele-health) care services empower you to take control of your life, health, and well-being.

All patients must be 18 or have parental consent
You must be in Massachusetts or New Hampshire
You must be medically eligible
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Support Abortion Rights

News flash: It’s my body, so it’s my choice. Stand up for abortion rights. Let’s stand up for our choice.

Coming Soon
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Essential Resources for Informed Choices

How do I know if I’m pregnant?

It’s a question that many women ask themselves at some point in their lives. Whether you’re actively trying to conceive or simply suspecting that you might be pregnant, understand the signs.

It’s a question that many women ask themselves at some point in their lives. Whether you’re actively trying to conceive or simply suspecting that you might be pregnant, understand the signs. Read More

Can you get pregnant again after having an abortion?

The decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal and often complex one, and it’s natural for individuals to have questions and concerns about their reproductive health afterward.

The decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal and often complex one, and it’s natural for individuals to have questions and concerns about their reproductive health afterward. Read More

Our FAQs

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.

What is the abortion pill?

The “abortion pill” is actually several pills taken over a few days at the direction of a licensed physician.

How do the pills work?

These medications stop a pregnancy from growing. They cause cramping and bleeding to empty the uterus. It is similar to having a miscarriage.

Are these pills safe?

The pills used in a medication abortion have a better safety record than taking Tylenol.

How many people know about this pill and/or process?

Medication abortions have been used by millions around the world for 30 years and make up more than half of all abortions completed in the United States. In Europe, it's used 90% of the time.

How far along in pregnancy can I be?

This process is medically safe and effective for pregnancies of less than 11 weeks.

How long does it take for the pills to work?

Everyone’s body will respond differently. Generally, you’ll experience heavy bleeding and cramps up to 4 hours after taking the second medicine Misoprostol

How long will I have symptoms from the medicine?

Heavy bleeding means the treatment is working. You’ll experience heavy bleeding for up to 24 hours, after which the bleeding will get lighter. It’s normal to see spotting for several days or a few weeks after taking the medication abortion.

What other supplies will I need?

Be sure to use maxi pads and take pain medication (preferably ibuprofen) for cramps as needed.

When can I start back with regular activities?

Honestly, whenever you feel up to it.

Will these pills actually work?

Yes. Medication abortion is 98% effective. 

Partnered with Honeybee for Pharmacy services.
Ordering and Crisis Hotline
Available 24/7
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The clinical services offered through this website are provided by AB Telemedicine Care, LLC, an independent, physician-owned entity, and are delivered by licensed providers.
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